“Where I come from” explains nothing. Origin is some sort of archive – achievements, milestones, what have built and what destroyed me professionally while I started to understand that life is more than career or work and I am more than my occupation. It’s my selection of documentation of everything WHAT LED ME HERE <-- click here to read more. Except for the function of an archive in the future within this category I will post essays, articles and reflections about: 


and use additional hashtags #seedsforthoughts and #contextredefined to keep everything recognizable and coded into a bigger system. At the beginning, with a small amount of posts, it may not seem necessary but it’s a long term strategy of maintaining order in my projects.  

As I am finishing preparations to publish my first blog post after 4 years of silence I can not shake off how surreal it is what kind of cycle I am closing and starting here:

I created @educational_eden on my first day of an internship as a teacher in a primary school in Finland. At that time I have already studied education in Poland, Denmark and the Netherlands and experienced working as a teacher in their national educational system and in schools with alternative models.

I had so much to say about what I observed, experienced and discovered. During my educational journey I used to search for an “Eden” – educational paradise. Place, system, model or method that could become a blueprint for Polish schools. In whatever I have learned on the way I started to recognize the value beyond common understanding and decided to share it with a bigger audience.

This blog was the place where I have earned how to follow my curiosity and how to express myself through writing. All those years and many more life altering experiences later I am back in my online space, bringing back to the project I annouced as ended 4 years ago. It took me 6 years of studying (of which 2 times abroad) and very few of working (in 9 countries, including many different positions and roles – Shadow for children with Special Education Needs, support teacher for pupils with difficulties and creator of the program, teachers team coordinator, global perspective educator or co-creator of a Microschool) to left me burned out, speachless and hopeless.

I traveled the world, worked with hundreds of people from all around the globe, shared my sources abundantly (time, energy, money, skills, capacities, talents…). I lived in big cities and small villages. I studied in 3 countries, made internships and worked as an educator in those and 6 more. I shared my knowledge with people through articles on my blog and in magazines for educators and home schooling parents, I made some statements and shared my opinions (on national TV stations, YouTube channels and through SM). I have built so many relationships and learned from each interaction I could.



This blog was created in 2017 and until 2021 was written from a perspective of a teacher and an eduactional nomad.

The buttons “Projects”, “Publications” and “Reference” lead to pages which contain many stories of my attempts to improve education of the XXI century. 

* Most of the articles and scripts were written in Polish as that part of my journey was to share my ideas and reflections with pupils, students, teachers and parents living in Poland. The exeption are a few documents: articles & recommendation letters written by my academic teachers, tutors, co-workers and collaborators. All those materials are here to show the bigger picture, not to focus on them (even though I still see a huge value in them) – new content may not have much in common, both with my style and with topics which I developped at that time of my life.*



ORIGIN – what led me here?

A few years ago from the place of misery and despair I asked myself once again "What do I actually want in my life?",...

Planowanie pracy i tworzenie własnego planu rozwojowego – kompetencje fundamentalne

O tym, że planowanie pracy i tworzenie list "do zrobienia" (powszechnie wykorzystuje się również oryginalny zapis z języka angielskiego "to do") to połowa sukcesu...

Kompetencje fundamentalne – co to takiego?

Ucząc w Polsce, Danii, Holandii, Finlandii, Kolumbii i Indiach miałam okazję obserwować i doświadczać bardzo zróżnicowanych strategii indywidualizacji procesu uczenia się. Po 10 latach...

Szukanie celu nie jest zadaniem na jeden wieczór – o powrocie do pisania o...

Długo zastanawiałam się jak wrócić do pisania po trudnych doświadczeniach zeszłych dwóch lat, po przerwie od świata online i po decyzji zamknięcia projektu Educational...

Szukanie równowagi po wypaleniu zawodowym

Łapanie równowagi to stałe i świadome wybory. Coraz częściej obserwuję znaczenie tego niekończącego się procesu. Obejrzeć serial czy poczytać w wolnej chwili? Jak serial, to...