As I am finishing preparations to publish my first blog post after 4 years of silence I can not shake off how surreal it is what kind of cycle I am closing and starting here:
I created @educational_eden on my first day of an internship as a teacher in a primary school in Finland. At that time I have already studied education in Poland, Denmark and the Netherlands and experienced working as a teacher in their national educational system and in schools with alternative models.
I had so much to say about what I observed, experienced and discovered. During my educational journey I used to search for an “Eden” – educational paradise. Place, system, model or method that could become a blueprint for Polish schools. In whatever I have learned on the way I started to recognize the value beyond common understanding and decided to share it with a bigger audience.
This blog was the place where I have earned how to follow my curiosity and how to express myself through writing. All those years and many more life altering experiences later I am back in my online space, bringing back to the project I annouced as ended 4 years ago. It took me 6 years of studying (of which 2 times abroad) and very few of working (in 9 countries, including many different positions and roles – Shadow for children with Special Education Needs, support teacher for pupils with difficulties and creator of the program, teachers team coordinator, global perspective educator or co-creator of a Microschool) to left me burned out, speachless and hopeless.
I traveled the world, worked with hundreds of people from all around the globe, shared my sources abundantly (time, energy, money, skills, capacities, talents…). I lived in big cities and small villages. I studied in 3 countries, made internships and worked as an educator in those and 6 more. I shared my knowledge with people through articles on my blog and in magazines for educators and home schooling parents, I made some statements and shared my opinions (on national TV stations, YouTube channels and through SM). I have built so many relationships and learned from each interaction I could.