My name is Asia, and I am…

… after many years of searching for my own truth I can say that I am certain of a few things: I am a global citizen, a writer, a philosopher, an educator, an artist and a creator. As I analyzed my life and all transformations I went through, I saw it clearly from the wider perspective, that in the deepest despair and at the highest points of success I seem to remain some versions of those. 

My dreams include the meaning and purpose of my life – I am this kind of a person that believes in meaning and purpose, and I know how bluntly it sounds for the first time, but that’s what it is – 

I want to contribute to the evolution of humanity.

I create structure (frameworks, models, tools, methods, instructions and many more) as a part of my contribution to solve the global health crisis (approached holistically, including physical, mental and emotional health). 

As a nomad teacher, who studied education (Special Educational Needs, “giftedness” and alternative educational models) and worked in kindergartens, schools and universities, in Poland, Denmark, The Netherlands, Finland, Colombia, India and France. I have a particular, unique, and clear perspective on what learning, teaching, and education truly are.

But I am much more than cognitive functions and mental achievements. As a former child and teenager experiencing physical, psychological and emotional violence and abuse, survivor of two suicide attempts, sexual abuse and mobbing I can honestly say I went through “hell” and learned how to get out of there. I used all my competences and qualifications, experience, knowledge, reflections, and I have made a map – structure and many tools to help others find their own way out. The amount of sources that I invested and gained through the process of healing, rewiring my coping mechanisms into healthy instincts, expanding my awareness, conscience and intentionality is what I find the most unique and valuable to share with the world. 

And that’s who I am: someone who chooses, day after day, to empower others to reclaim their freedom and bring back their lives from apathy, depression, burnout, survival mode and lack of regulated state. 

What made me think that I could be this person?”

“My experience and competences”

“My knowledge and qualifications”

“My abilities, attitudes and mindset”