CREATION – purposely experimenting


As an artist I don’t have a fixed identity.

For the last 4 years I tried to reprogram, reshape my life. Build a sustainable creative lifestyle. And after thousands of hours of intentional work with my beliefs, core values and shadows I transformed something crucial for well-being and holistic health. I wake up every morning and decide upon signals from my body, thoughts and feelings I experience what I choose to be, do and feel that day.

Depending on the day, I am more of a writer, educator, dancer, painter, entrepreneur, content creator, modern artist, mentor. Sometimes I try new roles just because I can and want to: I experience how it would be to work as an extra on the big production set, a model, a singer, a fashion designer, a movie producer… And I don’t expect anything else than a great time, new skills and abilities, widen knowledge, and meaningful memories.

Creating from a place of such a variety, diversity and freedom is the only sustainable way of living from my perspective.

I don’t want to have one style, one main product, one role. I am absolutely fine with learning, being bad at something, making slow or no progress, having fun without a specific outcome.

I am not planning to become “rich and famous”, appreciated or acknowledged through any piece of my art, I actually think I am not able to live my life choosing only one occupation. I am not made for that – and that’s my superpower.

And what I think will make the difference, both here for others as much as in my personal life, is showing that it’s not only possible but actually it makes much more sense to decide to live this way.

I liberated myself from any outside expectations and allowed myself to #beallthat .